2023-2024 Bills and Roll-Call Votes

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Legislation, Opinion, Special Alerts

Information about candidates positions and choices is essential when considering whom to vote for.
“Voting records and candidate positions on taxpayer issues impact our choices when voting,” said GST Chairman Ray Chadwick. “GST makes that information available so voters can make an informed choice and vote for candidates who respect Taxpayers.”

Summary of all 2024 Bills
GST reviewed the 1,159 bills presented in 2024 and gathered information on each into a Google Sheet.
It presents each bill number, a link (in blue) to the bill text*, the bill title, and a link to further information.
Bills impacting taxpayers may have comments and a recommendation regarding the bill.
*From the bill text page, click the link {<– Bill Number} for bill status, sponsors and roll call votes.

Click here for the FINAL GST spreadsheet 2024 GST BILLS with data on the 1,159 bills processed.
Click here to download a read-only copy of the spreadsheet.

2023-2024 Legislative Sessions Roll Call Votes (See how your Legislators voted)
GST gathered into a Google Sheet roll call vote information for House and Senate bills in 2023 and 2024.
It lists Bill number and title, a link (in blue) to the bill text, vote number and motion being considered.
Bills impacting taxpayers, included in the GST Scorecard, show GST preferred vots and rationale.

Click here for the GST spreadsheet GST ROLL CALLS 23-24 with Roll Call Votes for bills.
Click here to download a read-only copy of the spreadsheet.

More information sources on your NH Senator and Representatives.
Click here for a map of NH Counties. From there you can click through the county and to your town.
The summary page for your town will present your Senator and Representatives with links for each.
The individual Legislator pages show contact information. bills sponsored and voting record.

In 2023-2024, Legislators voted for sanctuary cities and to reinstate the Interest and Dividends tax.
Both would negatively impact taxpayers in New Hampshire.
We need more serious, Taxpayer friendly legislators to be elected in December. Make your vote Count!

Granite State Taxpayers is New Hampshire’s oldest statewide Taxpayer Association.
Founded in 1990 by the late Governor Mel Thomson and late State Senator George Lovejoy, our mission is to inform, educate and motivate New Hampshire taxpayers and to lobby the legislature on their behalf.
If you support our mission, click to begin or renew membership ($20/yr.) or here to make a donation.
Thank you for your support.

Posted by GST Chairman Ray Chadwick


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