
Good Governance Plan

Download the Granite State Taxpayers “Responsible Government Plan” – 10/15/10

We Support

* Reasonable Spending
* Stable/Lower Taxes
* Economic Growth
* Offical Ballot Voting
* Quality Education
* Electric Utility Competition
* Non-Mandatory SAU’s
* Charter Schools
* Privatization of Ski Areas
* Emergency-Only Special Meetings
* Biennial Sessions of Legislature
* Line-Item Veto
* Term Limits
* Right to Work
* Less Regulation
* Smaller Government

We Oppose

* Wasteful Spending
* Increases in Taxes/Fees
* Imposition of New Taxes/Fees
* Broad-Based Taxes
* Federal Intervention
* Expansion of Gambling


* SB 2 (Official Ballot Voting Law) passed in 1995
* 1997-98 State Budget reduced by approximately $85 million
* Sunapee Ski Area privatized, saving State millions of dollars annually
* Competition in Electric Utility Industry passed
* NH Supreme Court ruled governor’s ABC Plan unconstitutional
* Still no statewide Income Tax, Sales Tax, Capital Gains Tax or Video Gambling
* GST “Granny Awards” presented annually 1996-2000