GST Urges Vote for Romney and Lamontagne

by | Oct 31, 2012 | Press Releases, Special Alerts

Granite State Taxpayers (GST) announces that it strongly recommends that New Hampshire citizens cast their votes for Mitt Romney for President and Ovide Lamontagne for Governor, and vote “Yes” on Ballot Question 1 to prohibit income taxes in New Hampshire.

“Granite State Taxpayers has reviewed the past actions and proposed policies of the executive office candidates to assess their concern for issues of taxes, spending and balanced budgets,” said James Adams, Chairman of the Granite State Taxpayers Board of Directors. “We recommend that citizens vote for Romney and Lamontagne because we believe they will be voting for lower taxes, lower spending and a pro-growth agenda, and rejecting the pro-tax and pro-spending policies that have been embraced by President Obama and Maggie Hassan.”

During the four years of President Obama’s term, annual deficits exceeded $1 Trillion each year, national debt has risen to over $16 Trillion, and major expansions of government regulation of the economy have been undertaken. In the four years of Governor Romney’s term in Massachusetts, taxes and spending were reduced, the budget was balanced in each year, state debt was retired and the “rainy-day fund” was replenished.

“Past performance is an excellent predictor of future performance,” said Adams. “Based upon his past performance, we believe that Governor Romney is the best choice for President.”

As President of the New Hampshire Senate, Maggie Hassan presided over passage of budgets with double-digit growth in state spending, financed by unprecedented borrowing and Federal government stimulus funds. Senator Hassan has previously voiced her approval of broad-based taxes and, during her term in the Senate, passed the “LLC tax” on the income of owners of Limited Liability Corporations, as well as increases to other taxes and fees. Ovide Lamontagne has stated that he will veto any effort to implement an income tax.

“We recommend voting for Ovide Lamontagne for Governor. Maggie Hassan’s past actions demonstrate that she will support increased spending and taxes in New Hampshire,” Chairman Adams stated.

Granite State Taxpayers also strongly recommends that the voters vote “Yes” to approve Ballot Question 1 to amend the New Hampshire Constitution so as to prohibit the imposition of any assessment, rate, or tax upon income earned by any person, and also recommends a “Yes” vote for a Constitutional Convention.

“The absence of an income tax is a major reason why New Hampshire’s economy outperforms those of other New England states. It is a cornerstone of the New Hampshire Advantage and the voters should make that advantage permanent,” said Chairman Adams.

Granite State Taxpayers is New Hampshire’s oldest statewide taxpayer association. Founded in 1990 by former Governor Mel Thomson and former State Senator George Lovejoy, our mission is to inform, educate and motivate New Hampshire taxpayers and to lobby the legislature on their behalf. Visit GST on the web at:


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