2024 GST Legislator Scorecards

by | Jul 16, 2024 | Legislation, Opinion, Press Releases

Granite State Taxpayers reviewed the voting record of NH Legislators in the 2023-2024 session.
The review was to determine their support of issues and programs beneficial to the interests of taxpayers.

The GST scorecard is based on roll-call votes (47 House and 28 Senate) over the course of the session.
Besides taxes, bills were included on spending, business regulation, voting integrity, energy costs and other issues of interest to taxpayers.
Click Here for a summary of the House Scorecard process and results.

To see the votes GST considered in developing the Scorecard, click Here for House and Here for Senate.
We list Bill number and title, vote number, motion being considered, GST preferred vote and rationale.

Click to see scores for House members listed by county and town, and also listed alphabetically.
The GST score is the percentage of votes that a legislator cast in agreement with GST preferred votes.

Click to see scores for Senate members listed alphabetically and by score.
The GST score is the percentage of votes that a legislator cast in agreement with GST preferred votes.

Scorecards show Gold awards for legislators who scored 91% to 100% and Silver awards for Legislators who scored 80% to 90%.

Special mention goes to the 67 Legislators who got perfect scores:

Alexander, Joe
Ammon, Keith
Aron, Judy
Aures, Cyril
Avellani, Lino
Ball, Lorie
Berezhny, Lex
Bernardy, JD
Berry, Ross
Bogert, Steven
Boyd, Stephen
Brown, Carroll
Cambrils, Jose
Colcombe, Riché
Comtois, Barbara
Corcoran, Travis
Creighton, Jim
Donnelly, Tanya
Doucette, Fred
Drago, Mike
Dunn, Ron
Erf, Keith
Ford, Oliver
Gagne, Larry
Greeson, Jeffrey
Griffin, Gerald
Harb, Robert
Harvey-Bolia, Juliet
Hill, Gregory
Horgan, James
Kelley, Diane
Kennedy, Stephen
Kofalt, Jim
Kuttab, Katelyn
Lascelles, Richard
Layon, Erica
Love, David
Lynn, Bob
Mazur, Lisa
McDonnell, Valerie
McGough, Tim
McGuire, Carol
McGuire, Dan
Melvin, Charles
Noble, Kristin
Notter, Jeanine
Pauer, Diane
Perez, Kristine
Ploszaj, Tom
Porcelli, Susan
Potucek, John
Qualey, James
Rochefort, David
See, Alvin
Sheehan, Vanessa
Simon, Matthew
Sirois, Shane
Stone, Jonathan
Terry, Paul
Thomas, Douglas
Tudor, Paul
Ulery, Jordan
Vose, Michael
Wallace, Scott
Weyler, Kenneth
Wherry, Robert
Wood, Clayton

We appreciate and thank New Hampshire House members for their volunteerism, commitment and service to the citizens of New Hampshire!

Bills and votes to be considered for the GST scorecard were selected by the GST Board members.
Scorecards were prepared by GST Secretary Dan McGuire. Posted by GST Chairman Ray Chadwick.


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