2024 GST Candidate Survey Results

by | Aug 8, 2024 | Legislation, Opinion, Press Releases, Special Alerts

GST surveys primary candidates to determine their positions on issues that impact taxpayers.

Surveys are Complete for 2024 Primary Candidates for Governor, Council, NH House and Senate.
Granite State Taxpayers sent surveys to 862 primary candidates for their positions on taxpayer issues.
The surveys were mailed to 431 Republican, 416 Democrat, and 15 Undeclared primary candidates
159 candidates completed the survey. 109 achieved a score of 100%. The group average was 93%.
146 Republicans had an average score of 97%, 11 Democrats averaged 46%, 2 Undeclared averaged 92%.

Survey summaries show Gold awards for candidates who scored 91% to 100% and Silver awards for candidates who scored 80% to 90%.
Candidates can download their award to use in campaign materials.

143 candidates agreed to take and support the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge:
“I will oppose and vote against any and all efforts to increase taxes.”

Taxpayers can review this data so they can vote for candidates who respect the Taxpayers.
Click here to see the survey questions.
13 questions were asked of all candidates, with 5 more questions for Governor and Council candidates.
The candidate score is the percentage of their “Yes” responses to those questions.

To review the GST scores for 159 candidates who responded, please click on the following links:
Survey by Name
Survey by District
Survey by Score
Candidates committed to take the Americans for Tax Reform Pledge

To DOWNLOAD a read-only spreadsheet with survey data and candidate answers and comments, click:
2024 Survey Summary Spreadsheet

Granite State Taxpayers protects the rights of New Hampshire taxpayers by advocating for:
– realistic, balanced budgets without tax increases,
– reducing government spending and regulations,
– more efficient government services.

We need to elect Taxpayer-friendly Executives and Legislatures in Washington and Concord!
Remember what was done by Republican majorities now in Concord and in Washington 2019 – 2020.

We all need to Show Up on November 5, 2024 and elect people who believe in Low Taxes!

Granite State Taxpayers is New Hampshire’s oldest statewide Taxpayer Association.
Founded in 1990 by the late Governor Mel Thomson and late State Senator George Lovejoy, our mission is “to inform, educate and motivate New Hampshire taxpayers and to lobby the legislature on their behalf.
If you support our mission, click to begin or renew membership ($20/yr.) or here to make a donation.
Thank you for your support.

Posted by GST Chairman Ray Chadwick


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