Dr. Arthur Laffer Explains Economics and Inflation

by | Jul 20, 2022 | Opinion, Special Alerts

Dr. Arthur B. Laffer comments on the current financial situation in the United States.
Laffer spoke with Michelle Makori, Editor-in-Chief and Lead Anchor at Kitco News, at the FreedomFest 2022 Conference in Las Vegas.

Laffer comments on basic economic concepts and how the government’s programs result in inflation.
“Inflation is ‘accelerating’, will last until 2026.”

Laffer’s economic acumen and influence triggered a world-wide tax-cutting movement in the 1980s have earned him the distinction in many publications as “The Father of Supply-Side Economics.” The Laffer Curve is one of the main theoretical constructs of supply-side economics, illustrating the tradeoff between tax rates and actual tax revenues.

Posted by GST Chairman Ray Chadwick


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