Climate Change Made Simple

Climate Change Made Simple

Climate Alarmists say the World will end … SOON! They and their socialist allies continually push for new ways to increase their control of our lives, our standard of living, and the amenities we’ve worked hard to achieve. No more red meat, fewer cows,...
Elections Made Simple

Elections Made Simple

Democrats Say They Want to Make Elections “More Accessible.” More accessible to non-residents, non-citizens, dead people, etc. Or to make the election law more complex and with less security against fraud. Democrats in Washington tried to take over...
It Matters Which Party Has the Majority

It Matters Which Party Has the Majority

The Majority Party in the Congress or the NH Legislature Controls the Agenda. The Majority decides what legislation gets advanced, what gets investigated, and who is subpoenaed. The Majority can work in favor of taxpayers and citizens and their rights, or against...