Taxpayers Deserve Legal Standing!

Taxpayers Deserve Legal Standing!

Taxpayers Should Be Able to Sue the Government! Support CACR 15 to Reinstate Taxpayer Standing! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring judgments against the government. Granite State Taxpayers supported such an amendment (then numbered...
Reduce Interest & Dividend Tax!

Reduce Interest & Dividend Tax!

Reps. Ken Weyler and J.R. Hoell commented on the NH Interest & Dividends Tax in the New Hampshire Union Leader on January 1, 2018. Their comments are presented below with their permission. Another View — Ken Weyler and J.R. Hoell: Let’s keep seniors in New...
Reduce Interest & Dividend Tax!

Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Signed

The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) has passed Congress and been signed into law by President Trump. The White House National Economic Council has issued a summary of the Act, which includes: Projected economic impacts of the new law Expected Benefits Tax Rates for...
Reduce Interest & Dividend Tax!

GST Supports Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) is scheduled for a vote this week. The House is expected to vote on the bill Tuesday 12/19/17. The bill would then go to the Senate for vote. If passed, the changes would be in effect for 2018 taxes, with tax returns for 2017...
SB3 Signed by Governor Sununu

SB3 Signed by Governor Sununu

Governor Sununu Signed Senate Bill 3 Into Law on Monday July 10, 2017 “Voting in our state and our nation is perhaps the most important right we have as citizens. It is crucial in the First in the Nation Presidential Primary State that we protect the integrity of each...
Reduce Interest & Dividend Tax!

Governor Comments on Budget

Governor Chris Sununu presented an overview of New Hampshire budget in the June 26, 2017 New Hampshire Union Leader. The Governors’ comments are presented below with his permission. A Budget for New Hampshire’s Needs Gov. Chris Sununu GRANITE STATERS sent us to...