by GST | Sep 12, 2016 | Legislation, Press Releases, Special Alerts
Granite State Taxpayers has reviewed the voting record of NH Legislators in the past session to determine how their votes support issues and programs that are beneficial to the interests of New Hampshire taxpayers. A legislator’s past voting record is relevant...
by GST | May 15, 2016 | Legislation, Special Alerts
Granite State Taxpayers (GST) supports Senate Bill 4 and recommends that those who are concerned with preserving representative government should advise the Governor to support SB4 as well. Senate Bill 4 would establish a requirement that persons be a resident of New...
by GST | Mar 2, 2016 | Legislation, Opinion, Special Alerts
People Who Vote in New Hampshire Should Live in New Hampshire An editorial by Granite State Taxpayers Vice Chairman Ray Chadwick in the Union Leader on March 2, 2016: The New Hampshire Senate has passed Senate Bill 4, which would require that an individual be...
by GST | Jan 20, 2016 | Legislation, Special Alerts
GST OBJECTIVES FOR ELECTION LAW Revise current New Hampshire election law to make our voting system: Simple to understand and execute Resistant to fraud Available exclusively to citizens of New Hampshire Inform voters of the problems in the current system and make...
by GST | Oct 30, 2015 | Legislation, Special Alerts
The New Hampshire Senate voted to sustain the Governor’s veto of SB 179 Sb 179 would have required a person to live in New Hampshire for 30 days before registering to vote. Currently, 47 states and the District of Columbia require a citizen to be either a...
by GST | Oct 30, 2015 | Legislation, Special Alerts
Support for a 30-day residency requirement to register to vote in New Hampshire has dipped slightly since midsummer, but Granite Staters continue to support it by a nearly 2-1 margin. Earlier this year, lawmakers passed largely along party lines legislation that would...