97% of Climate Scientists Agree …. on What?

Reimagined Science for the Green Agenda

The Scientific Method has been manipulated to serve the Green Agenda. GST Board member Joseph D’Aleo describes how and why that has happened. Climate Alarmists allege that “the science is settled” and “97 percent of scientists agree.” But...
2020 Information for Voters

2020 Information for Voters

Granite State Taxpayers (GST) Announces 2020 Candidate Surveys and Legislative Scorecard. GST 2020 Candidate Surveys and Scorecard for Incumbent Legislators are posted at: www.GraniteStateTaxpayers.org Granite State Taxpayers has reviewed voting records and surveyed...
2020 House Scorecard

2020 House Scorecard

Granite State Taxpayers reviewed the voting record of NH House Members in the 2019-2020 session. This review shows whether they supported issues and programs beneficial to the interests of taxpayers. The GST scorecard is based on thirty roll-call votes taken over the...
2020 Candidate Survey

2020 Candidate Survey

Surveys Completed for 2020 Primary Candidates for Governor, Council, NH House and Senate. Granite State Taxpayers sent surveys to 931 primary candidates for their positions on taxpayer issues. The surveys were mailed to 463 Republican and 468 Democrat primary...