Trump Tax Plan Benefits New Hampshire

Trump Tax Plan Benefits New Hampshire

As it is now New Hampshire helps pay for a good chunk of California’s follies because California Tax Payers are able to write off a huge chunk of State Taxes from their Federal Income Taxes. The LA Times says the California’s tax break is $101 BILLION!!! Click here to...
Pay Comparisons: Public, Private, Non-Profit

Pay Comparisons: Public, Private, Non-Profit

GST Member Chuck Douglas reported on pay in the public, private and non-profit sectors in the New Hampshire Union Leader on July 18, 2017. His comments are presented below with his permission. Towns and non-profits outpace state and federal pay I recently looked at...
GST Booth Amherst July 4th Parade

GST Booth Amherst July 4th Parade

Granite State Taxpayers Will Have a Booth at the Amherst Fourth of July Parade. Come out and visit the GST booth on the Amherst Green during the July 4th Amherst Parade. “The Amherst Parade is a wonderful way to celebrate Independence Day,” said GST...
Pay Comparisons: Public, Private, Non-Profit

Sen. Daniels Comments on Budget

Senator Gary Daniels presented an overview of the Committee of Conference budget in the June 20, 2017 New Hampshire Union Leader. Sen. Daniels’ comments are presented below with his permission. A budget that works for NH families, businesses, and taxpayers. Just...
Pay Comparisons: Public, Private, Non-Profit

Sen. Daniels on Senate Budget

Senator Gary Daniels presented an overview of the budget passed by the NH Senate in the June 5, 2017 New Hampshire Union Leader. Sen. Daniels’ comments are presented below with his permission. Senate budget balances basic needs, business growth While working...
Pass SB3 in the NH House 6/1/17!

Pass SB3 in the NH House 6/1/17!

The New Hampshire House of Representatives will vote Thursday 6/1/17 on Senate Bill 3. SB3 would require New Hampshire voters to be residents and provide documentation that they are. Currently, 49 states and the District of Columbia require voters to be residents and...