GST Applauds the NH Budget Status

GST Applauds the NH Budget Status

Granite State Taxpayers (GST) commends the New Hampshire Legislature for working toward a budget that doesn’t raise taxes or fees, realistically projects revenues, maintains services and holds spending increases to a reasonable level. The Governor’s budget proposal...
GST Applauds the NH Budget Status

GST Opposes HB 119

January 20, 2013 Granite State Taxpayers (GST) announces that it opposes HB119 which would dilute the connection between right to vote and obligations, such as paying taxes, of being a resident. The last election featured a ballot question on a Constitutional...
GST Chair: The State Senate Firewall Goes Missing

GST Board & Officers Elected

GST members voted and elected members of the GST Board of Directors for 2013 – 2014. At the Board meeting of February 5, 2013, Board Members elected Officers. GST Board Members and Officers for 2013 – 2014 are: Jim Adams, Chairman Ray Chadwick,...