Governor/Council Candidate Survey

Governor/Council Candidate Survey

Granite State Taxpayers has surveyed candidates for their positions on topics of interest to taxpayers. Notices for the survey were mailed to 21 primary candidates for Governor or the Executive Council. The survey results include 7 responses received by mail or...
Legislature Candidate Survey

Legislature Candidate Survey

Granite State Taxpayers has surveyed candidates for their positions on topics of interest to taxpayers. Notices for the survey were mailed to 898 primary candidates for the New Hampshire House or Senate. The survey results include 177 responses received by mail or...
HB 1264 Signed Into Law

HB 1264 Signed Into Law

Governor Sununu Signed House Bill 1264 into Law on July 13, 2018. HB 1264 defined residency in a manner compliant with previous court decisions, closing the loophole that allowed residents of other states (6,540 of them in 2016) to vote here. The Governor Issued a...
HB 1264 Signed Into Law

GST Files Supreme Court Brief

Granite State Taxpayers Files NH Supreme Court Memorandum Supporting HB 1264. Granite State Taxpayers filed a Memorandum supporting a finding that the House Bill 1264 is constitutional. HB 1264 was passed to clarify a definition of residency compliant with previous...
GST Summer Meeting 6/5/18

GST Summer Meeting 6/5/18

Save the Date Tuesday, June 5, 2018 for the GST Summer Party & Meeting! From 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Murphy’s Tap Room and Carriage House, 393 NH Rte. 101, Bedford, NH. There will be free hors d’oeuvres with a cash bar. Speaker and further details will be announced....
View Grover Norquist’s Speech

View Grover Norquist’s Speech

Video of Grover Norquist’s Speech at the GST Christmas Party on December 12, 2017 is now available. Grover gave an informed, insightful and witty commentary on a range of topics: Status (as of 12/12/17) of the tax reform legislation in Washington Expected...