GST Comments on House Budget

GST Comments on House Budget

Analysis of Tax Changes Proposed by the NH House. by GST Secretary Dan McGuire Following is an analysis of the tax changes in the proposed House budget. The good news is that there are a lot of tax reductions. The bad news is that most of them are delayed, so they...
GST Opposes HB 107 Minimum Wage Hike

GST Opposes HB 107 Minimum Wage Hike

Granite State Taxpayers opposes HB 107 which would raise the minimum wage in New Hampshire. GST opposed raising the minimum wage when it was last proposed in 2020 with HB 186. Government intervention in the economy has both intended and unintended effects. Minimum...
How Bad Could Energy Prices Get?

How Bad Could Energy Prices Get?

How bad could it get? Gasoline prices have risen about 35 cents a gallon on average over the last month, according to the AAA motor club, and could reach $4 a gallon in some states by summer, when many were hoping they could travel again. Heating oil prices are also...