GST Testimony Against Drive-By Voting

GST Testimony Against Drive-By Voting

GST Submitted Testimony Against SB 67 which would repeal HB 1264 and bring back Drive-By Voting. Click here for status information and a link to read the bill, which adds the following statement to current law: “A person who satisfies the definition of resident...
Budget and Tax Warnings!

Budget and Tax Warnings!

There’s Some Bad News for NH Taxpayers this April 15th! In contrast to Good News for Federal Taxpayers, the New Hampshire House is heading the wrong way! The budget process begins with a budget proposed by the Governor. Click for a summary. The House Majority...
Happy Tax Day 2019

Happy Tax Day 2019

There’s Good News for US Taxpayers this April 15th! H&R Block reports the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act reduced their client’s taxes by 24.9 percent on average! “H&R Block data through March 31, 2019 shows the size of its clients’ tax refunds is up...
Preserve the NH Advantage Rally

Preserve the NH Advantage Rally

The GST Protect the New Hampshire Rally was a Great Success! Over 300 Activists came out to hear the Governor and Minority Leaders discuss legislation. GST Vice Chairman Dave McConville lead the Pledge. GST Chairman Ray Chadwick addressed the Rally. Activists Kim...
Preserve the NH Advantage Rally

Governor Sununu to Speak at Rally

Governor Sununu announced he will attend the Preserve the New Hampshire Advantage Rally. RSVP to hear him at the Rally Saturday 3/30/19 at 10:00 AM in Concord! New Hampshire has prospered under Governor Sununu and the 2015-2018 Republican Legislature. A growing...