Vote for Taxpayers; Pass CACR 15

Vote for Taxpayers; Pass CACR 15

Tell your Legislators to Vote for CACR 15 to Reinstate Taxpayer Standing! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring judgments against the government. CACR 15 is scheduled to come before the New Hampshire House next week, March 6th to...
GST Still Opposes HB628 Family Leave

GST Still Opposes HB628 Family Leave

GST Still Opposes HB628 Imposing a Payroll Tax for Mandatory Family and Medical Leave Insurance. HB628 passed in the NH House 186-164 on Thursday 2/8/18, with 23 Republicans joining Democrats. California, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York are the only states with...
View Jonathan Williams Speech

View Jonathan Williams Speech

Jonathan Williams, Chief Economist at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), works with state policymakers, congressional leaders and the private sector to develop fiscal policy solutions for the states. He spoke 1/19/18 to members of the New Hampshire...
GST Still Opposes HB628 Family Leave

GST Opposes HB628 Family Leave

GST Opposes HB628 Imposing a Payroll Tax for Mandatory Family and Medical Leave Insurance. HB628 establishes mandatory paid family and medical leave insurance (FMLI) controlled by the State. The bill would require New Hampshire Employment Security to establish and...

GST Opposes HB413 Pension Cost Shift

GST Opposes Having the State Pay for Local County and Town Employee Pension Costs. HB413 would require the State to pay 15 percent of the normal and accrued liability contributions of political subdivision retirement system employers for group I teachers and group II...
Governor Comments on Tax Reform

Governor Comments on Tax Reform

Governor Sununu Comments on Tax Reform in the February 5, 2018 New Hampshire Union Leader. The Governors’ comments are presented below with his permission. Tax Reform is working for New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu As Granite Staters begin to prepare their tax...