Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Signed

Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Signed

The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) has passed Congress and been signed into law by President Trump. The White House National Economic Council has issued a summary of the Act, which includes: Projected economic impacts of the new law Expected Benefits Tax Rates for...
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Seasons Greetings from Granite State Taxpayers! The Board of Directors and I would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We’re thankful for the members of Granite State Taxpayers members and for others who share our values....
Tax Cuts & Jobs Act Signed

GST Supports Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1) is scheduled for a vote this week. The House is expected to vote on the bill Tuesday 12/19/17. The bill would then go to the Senate for vote. If passed, the changes would be in effect for 2018 taxes, with tax returns for 2017...
Grover Norquist Speech 12/12/17

Grover Norquist Speech 12/12/17

Grover Norquist Gave an Excellent Speech at the GST Christmas Party Dedicated tax fighters who braved the weather were excited to hear Grover speak last Tuesday night. Over 120 persons RSVPd for the event, but inclement weather (snow and freezing rain) held attendance...
Frank Edelblut to Introduce Grover Norquist

Frank Edelblut to Introduce Grover Norquist

Frank Edelblut will introduce Grover Norquist at our 12/12/17 Christmas Meeting! Frank is the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education. He’s working to improve thew quality of education for children of New Hampshire. Keynote Speaker Norquist...