Election Law Reforms for 2021 – 2022

by | Aug 23, 2021 | Legislation, Special Alerts


Revise current New Hampshire election law to make our voting system simple to understand and execute, resistant to fraud, and available exclusively to residents of New Hampshire


Fix the “temporary absence” absentee voting for residents of other states, require ID.

Require New Hampshire ID to obtain ballot. Non NH ID must do new registration.

Amend SB3: registration requires same ID as NH Driver license, due by close of polls.

Proof of residency/domicile required by end of election day (not after) to vote

End or greatly curtail the applicability of identity and residency/domicile affidavits.

End specific eligibility for college students (moot anyway if SB3 rework is done).

Voter forms and documentation to be drafted at an 8th grade reading level, backed up with a readability index assessed through word processors, Grammarly or a professional service, with results included in the legislative record.

Proposed procedures to be subjected to analysis of the time required to be completed using a statistical analysis, twith results included in the legislative record.

For newly registered residents from other states, document and maintain information on prior state of residence, if not currently done.

New registration information to be provided to prior state (town clerk), NH DMV and NH DRA, and available as public record or under 91-A.

Require DMV follow up on NH Driver Licenses, vehicle registrations by new registrants, with penalties for those who do not license and register in NH.

Bring back SB179 from 2015 for 30 day residency requirement

Pass any election law reform in first year if the biennium

Consider “friendly” challenges to get litigation started and resolved sooner

Review pros and cons of going to “Motor Voter” system

Posted by GST Chairman Ray Chadwick


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