GST 2015 Annual Report

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Press Releases, Special Alerts

Report of Actions Taken in 2015 presented at the GST Annual Meeting.

Legislative Engagement
Reviewed legislation submitted so as to select bills to support.
Researched election law issues and background.
Developed and summarized proposed changes for improved accuracy and integrity.
Testified at Legislative Committee meetings regarding election law.
Marked up current laws to support proposed changes in legislation.

Voter Information
Posted 19 articles on the GST website covering current issues.
Conducted an interview with Secretary of State Gardner regarding election law.
Produced a video of the interview for Bedford Community TV and NH Coalition for Community Media.
Researched history of the Manchester Tax Cap and votes by the Board of Mayor and Aldermen.
Issued op-ed and placed newspaper ads identifying candidates who had not supported the Tax Cap.

GST Presence and Outreach
Developed relationships with the NH Secretary of State, House Speaker and Senate President.
Updated website to include sign up for email from GST and user statistics.
Developed and implemented MailChimp email outreach capability.
Developed a listing of influential New Hampshire contacts to expand our outreach.
Applied for and received grants for use in expanding GST outreach.

Actions Planned in 2016:
Review legislative proposals and determine their impact on taxpayers.
Support legislation that reduces the financial impact of government on the taxpayer.
Inform our members through email alerts and through our website.
Testify in legislative sessions to protect the interests of taxpayers.
Coordinate with other organizations that support limited, constitutional government.
Generate position papers to guide and support legislative action.
Issue candidate survey regarding candidate positions of interest to taxpayers.


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