GST Information on Hearings the week of 2/24/25

by | Feb 22, 2025 | Legislation, Opinion, Special Alerts

Click here for a spreadsheet with GST information on bills with hearings this week.
The spreadsheet shows bill titles, links (in blue), hearing dates and comments on bills of GST interest.
The GST Summary includes information on all public hearings this week.

There are several bills that GST recommends you consider commenting on:

relative to the procedure for overriding a local tax cap.
House Muni Feb 27 9:00 AM LOB 301
This bill requires a supermajority vote of the legislative body to override a local tax cap. Anything (like this bill) that makes it harder to override a tax cap is worth support.

relative to clarifying references under local tax cap and budget laws.
H Muni Feb 27 9:40 AM LOB 301
This bill clarifies references to the procedure for adopting a local tax and budget cap and clarifies warrant language for adopting such a cap and budget. While this seems like housekeeping, there is significant confusion as to what is and is not required in terms of wording (as became apparent in the Bedford deliberative session), so this will enable the local tax cap law to be clearer and more effective.

enabling local political subdivisions to vote and set a reduced default budget option.
H Muni Feb 27 1:00 PM LOB 301
This bill enables local political subdivisions that have adopted the official ballot referendum form of meeting to adopt provisions for an annual choice for a reduced default budget, enabling a vote on a default budget. GST Chairman Rep. Dan McGuire is a sponsor.

authorizing online voter registration.
H Election Feb 25 3:10 PM LOB 306
The registration strategy that has the least opportunity for fraud is one where individuals themselves, in person, go to an election official and show proof of identity, age and residence in New Hampshire and if not previously presented, show proof of citizenship in order to register. This proposed system relies on the New Hampshire Department of Safety identification and database, which may not provide documentation of citizenship.

Click here for the Senate Remote Sign In Sheet to give your position on bills.
Click here for the House Remote Sign In Sheet to give your position on bills.
This must be done before 11:59 PM on the day of the hearing.

Click here go to the GST website for more information on how to comment on bills.

If you know someone who’d like to receive these notices, they can sign up at:

Ray Chadwick, GST Board Member


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