Click here for a spreadsheet with GST information on bills with hearings this week.
The spreadsheet shows bill titles, links (in blue), hearing dates and comments on bills of GST interest.
The GST Summary includes information on all public hearings this week.
There are several bills that GST recommends you consider commenting on:
enabling no-excuse absentee registration and voting.
Senate Election Mar 4 9:15 AM LOB 103
Bill modifies the absentee ballot voting process to include those who “want to vote by absentee ballot for any reason.” Unlimited absentee voting means lower election integrity.
allowing private persons to sue for violations of election laws RSA 659.
House Election Mar 4 11:40 AM LOB 306
This bill allows for private parties to sue utilize a formal complaint process with the NH Department of Justice or the superior courts, including claims representing a class. With a low bar for filing a suit and a low general understanding of election law can lead to a large number of ill-founded suits, and a lower perception of election integrity.
declaring legislative independence from the Claremont case judicial directives
House Judiciary Mar 5 1:00 PM LOB 206
This declares that the legislative and executive branches define an “adequate education,” adopt “standards of accountability,” and “guarantee adequate funding” of a public education and that the Claremont judicial directives are not binding on the legislative and executive branches.
Click here for the Senate Remote Sign In Sheet to give your position on bills.
Click here for the House Remote Sign In Sheet to give your position on bills.
This must be done before 11:59 PM on the day of the hearing.
Click here go to the GST website for more information on how to comment on bills.
If you know someone who’d like to receive these notices, they can sign up at:
Ray Chadwick, GST Board Member