GST Urges Override of SB179 Veto

by | Sep 3, 2015 | Legislation, Special Alerts

Chairman Jim Adams is sending the following letter to New Hampshire Senate and House members.

Dear New Hampshire Legislator
Granite State Taxpayers urges you to override the Governor’s veto of SB 179, which would require a person to live in New Hampshire for 30 days before registering to vote.

In recent months Senator Lou D’Allesandro has asked his colleagues in the Senate and House time and again to pay close attention to opinion polls regarding the voters’ position relative to important issues facing our State.

In that same spirit Granite State Taxpayers is asking you to listen to the voters regarding one of the most important issues in NH, which is Voting.

A recent WMUR Granite State Poll done by the University of New Hampshire Survey Center, released on July 21, 2015, found that a majority, 57%, of Granite Staters support this law, 28% oppose it, and 14% are neutral or don’t know enough to say.

Republicans (74% support, 13% oppose) and Independents (58% support, 30% oppose) support the legislation. Democrats (41% support, 42% oppose) are divided.

It is also noteworthy that the Secretary State supports SB 179 as do 65% of union households. A very diverse group of NH citizens across party lines support this Bill.

Currently, 47 states and the District of Columbia require a citizen to be either a resident, or to be registered to vote, or both, for some period of time before voting.

Voter residency or registration requirements of 20 days or more are in place in 40 states, and 27 of those require 30 days.

A 30 day voter residency requirement is a common sense law in 27 states.

It should be so in New Hampshire as well.

Granite State Taxpayers urges you to vote to override the Governor’s veto of SB 179.

Best regards,

Jim Adams, Chairman
Granite State Taxpayers
September 2, 2015

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