HB 416 Fights Wayfair Decision

by | Jan 15, 2019 | Legislation, Special Alerts

HB 416 Filed to Protect NH Businesses from Wayfair Information Requests.

The US Supreme Court Wayfair decision opens the door to cross-border collection of state taxes.
Grover Norquist stated that the ultimate goal of high-tax states is the destruction of interstate tax competition.
People move to or shop in to New Hampshire to avoid income taxes and sales taxes.
Wayfair could erode, if not destroy, the New Hampshire Advantage compared to high tax states.

New Hampshire retailers have already received sales tax notices from another state.
Without legislation to protect businesses and residents from cross-border tax collections, it likely would be too risky for an individual or small business to sue a foreign state, and cheaper to pay the tax.

Rep. Glen Cordelli has sponsored HB 416 as a response to the Wayfair decision.
It states that no retailer shall provide to a foreign state any private customer information for use in the determination of sales or use tax liability of the customer in the foreign state or for use in the determination, collection, and remittance of sales or use tax by the retailer.
Click here read HB 416.

Contact your legislators and tell them to support HB 416!
Click here to find your Legislators.

House Ways & Means Committee will hear testimony on HB 416 Wednesday 1/16/19 at 2:30 PM.
Join Rep. Cordelli then in the Legislative Office Building Room 202 in Concord to support HB 416.


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