Biennial Meeting 12/12/22 at Murphy’s Manchester

Biennial Meeting 12/12/22 at Murphy’s Manchester

The GST Biennial Meeting will be on Monday 12/12/22 in Manchester! Agenda: Announce the results of the 2023 – 2024 Board Member election Report on GST Activities in 2021 – 2022 Legislative leaders have been invited to share their perspective on what to...
Zuckerbucks in Michigan

Zuckerbucks in Michigan

The Federalist has published a report on how Zuckerbucks helped shift Michigan Voting Rules. GST previously reported on this effort to manipulate elections on behalf of Democrats. We’ve also commented on 2020 Election Issues. Read the Federalist:...
2022 GST Candidate Survey is Complete

2022 GST Candidate Survey is Complete

The 2022 GST Candidate Survey is Closed! The survey covered candidates for Governor, Executive Council and the New Hampshire House and Senate. Granite State Taxpayers surveyed primary candidates to determine their positions on taxpayer issues. Granite State Taxpayers...
Zuckerbucks in Michigan

Zuckerbucks in New Hampshire

64 New Hampshire Towns and Cities Received Zuckerbucks Grants. We’re familiar with Facebook and its actions to stifle speech that is negative to its preferred party. Mark Zuckerburg also spent over $400 million to infiltrate and “manage” voting...