SB3 Clarifies Voter Domicile

SB3 Clarifies Voter Domicile

GST has always supported improvements to New Hampshire Voter law that would guarantee that only New Hampshire residents should decide the outcome of New Hampshire elections. If special interests are able to affect elections with people who may or may not be domiciled...
SB3 Clarifies Voter Domicile

The Governor Should Sign SB4

Granite State Taxpayers (GST) supports Senate Bill 4 and recommends that those who are concerned with preserving representative government should advise the Governor to support SB4 as well. Senate Bill 4 would establish a requirement that persons be a resident of New...
SB3 Clarifies Voter Domicile

GST Proposes Improved Election Law

GST OBJECTIVES FOR ELECTION LAW Revise current New Hampshire election law to make our voting system: Simple to understand and execute Resistant to fraud Available exclusively to citizens of New Hampshire Inform voters of the problems in the current system and make...