GST Testimony for Education Tax Credit

GST Testimony for Education Tax Credit

GST Testified against HB 632, which would eliminate the Education Tax Credit. This bill removes the application of the education tax credit in RSA 77-G to taxes due under the interest and dividends tax, and on July 1, 2020 deletes the education tax credit program....
2020 FITN Primary Could Be Last

2020 FITN Primary Could Be Last

Michael Graham commented on the First In The Nation Primary in the NH Journal November 20, 2018. His remarks are presented below with his permission. Three Reasons Why 2020’s FITN Primary Could Be New Hampshire’s Last If you think the influence of the New Hampshire...
Milking the Taxpayers

Milking the Taxpayers

The New Hampshire Union Leader published the following commentary by Greg Moore, the New Hampshire state director of Americans for Prosperity, on October 27, 2016. Another View — Greg Moore: Milking the taxpayers for a bailout POLITICIANS LOVE NOTHING MORE than...
Why We Have The Executive Council

Why We Have The Executive Council

The Citizen published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on August 18, 2016. The Executive Council exists to prevent costly mistakes like the present train wreck – the State Liquor Commission (SLC) Warehouse mess. I have to disagree...