by GST | Apr 25, 2018 | Legislation, Special Alerts
The Legislature is weighing HB 372 and HB 1264. Both focus on closing current loop holes in the law. Click here for a WMUR article on the status of these bills. Click here for an earlier GST post on the status of these bills. We need Definition of...
by GST | Apr 16, 2017 | Legislation, Press Releases, Special Alerts
NH House Election Law Committee will Hear Testimony on Senate Bill 3 Tuesday April 18, 2017 SB3 would require New Hampshire voters to be residents and provide documentation that they are. Currently, 47 states and the District of Columbia not only require voters to be...
by GST | Mar 30, 2017 | Legislation, Special Alerts
GST supports passage of Senate Bill 3. Ovide Lamontagne presented reasons to support Senate Bill 3 in the New Hampshire Union Leader on March 29, 2017. They are presented below with his permission. Choosing Integrity over Confusion in NH Elections NEW HAMPSHIRE state...
by GST | Feb 10, 2017 | Legislation, Special Alerts
GST OBJECTIVES FOR ELECTION LAW Easy to understand and execute Resistant to fraud Available exclusively to citizens of New Hampshire ISSUES WITH CURRENT ELECTION LAWS People are able to vote without presenting any identification or proof of US citizenship. People are...
by GST | Jan 20, 2016 | Legislation, Special Alerts
GST OBJECTIVES FOR ELECTION LAW Revise current New Hampshire election law to make our voting system: Simple to understand and execute Resistant to fraud Available exclusively to citizens of New Hampshire Inform voters of the problems in the current system and make...