Summer Meeting Tickets on Sale

by | May 9, 2018 | Legislation, Special Alerts

Tickets are Now on Sale for the GST Summer Meeting on June 5, 2018!
You DON’T need to be a GST member to attend.

This meeting will be a kickoff of, and a fund raiser for, our effort to educate voters on CACR15.
CACR 15 is a constitutional amendment designed to restore taxpayer standing to sue government.
It passed the legislature with almost no opposition, and it will be on the ballot in November.
A campaign will be needed to inform voters to get the necessary 2/3rds support.

Support this effort and help fund awareness of the amendment by buying a ticket and attending.
The event will be held on June 5, 2018, from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Murphy’s Tap Room and Carriage House, 393 NH Rte. 101, Bedford, NH.
There will be hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar.

Click here to buy your $20.00 ticket.

Keynote Speaker: Chuck Douglas
GST Member Chuck Douglas is an attorney, a former Congressman and former NH Supreme Court Justice.
Chuck will describe the history of Taxpayer Standing in New Hampshire and the importance of having the voters Amend the State Constitution (CACR 15) to include into our Bill of Rights.

We welcome Members, friends and future members of GST!

Granite State Taxpayers is New Hampshire’s oldest state-wide Taxpayer Advocacy Group.
Our Mission: inform, educate, motivate New Hampshire taxpayers and influence the legislature on their behalf.


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