Granite State Taxpayers Blog
We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.
You can check out our most recent posts below or explore some of our more popular topics:

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth)
Granite State Taxpayers has for Years Argued Against the Climate Narrative. Against attempts to restructure society, curtail your freedom (and make a buck selling carbon credits). On 6/25/19, GST Board Member Joe D'Aleo presented real data at our Climate Facts...

New Hampshire Does Energy Policy Right
Everyone knows that electricity costs have gone up over the past five years. But not everyone knows why, or what has been done to minimize those increases in the Granite State. An analysis of Energy Information Administration (IEA) data from the past five years shows...

Give Thanks on Memorial Day
Remember Our Military on Memorial Day We owe a great debt to those who have kept us free. Those willing to give up all of their tomorrows so that we can enjoy today. As a nation, we are very fortunate for brave men and women willing to step up and defend our freedom....

A Consequential Tax Cap Bill Passed
Legislators vote to strengthen local tax caps, especially for school districts! By Andrew Cline of Josiah Bartlett Center. While crime stories, campus protests and political drama captured much of the media attention this week, a bill with tremendous potential...

Taxpayers, Make Your Opinions Heard
GST has reviewed all 1,159 current bills and gathered information on each into a Google Sheet. It presents the bill number, a link in blue) to the bill text, the bill title, the House or Senate Committee reviewing the bill, and hearing dates and locations. Bills...

National Popular Vote Compact has 209 Electoral Votes
The State of Maine has joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. Maine will now award its 4 Electoral College votes to the winner of the national popular vote. The National Popular Vote Compact would guarantee the Presidency to the candidate who receives...

Something to Celebrate on Tax Day
This is the Next to Last Time You'll Need to File for the Interest & Dividend Tax! New Hampshire will be Completely Free of any Income Tax on January 1, 2025. Thanks to the hard work of Republicans, activists and groups like Granite State Taxpayers. Posted by GST...

In Massachusetts, New York and California, Every Day is Tax Day
If You Live in Massachusetts (Or New York or California), Every Day is Tax Day! Posted to Politics April 14, 2024 by Andrew Cline of Josiah Bartlett Center. Re-posted with permission. Since 2021, half of U.S. states have cut personal income taxes. Only three...

Energy and Illusions
Evaluation of potential energy sources needs to include their total costs of production. We're often told what the future of American energy will look like. Solar panels drawing energy from the sun. Wind turbines powering homes and businesses. "We can effortlessly...

Finally, An Income Tax Free New Hampshire
New Hampshire will be Completely Free of any Income Tax on January 1, 2025. Strong state revenues over several budgets made it time to eliminate the interest and dividends tax. That was the plan, until Democrats proposed HB1492 to reinstate the I&D tax at 5% on...