Granite State Taxpayers Blog

We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.

You can check out our most recent posts below or explore some of our more popular topics:

GST Secretary Testifies for SB193

GST Secretary Testifies for SB193

GST Secretary (and former NH House Representative) Dan McGuire testified for Senate Bill 193. SB 193 would establish education savings accounts for children between 5 and 20 years of age. Parents of an eligible student can receive a grant from a scholarship...

Rest in Peace Roy Stewart

Rest in Peace Roy Stewart

Granite State Taxpayers success results from the efforts of dedicated individuals fighting for the taxpayers. Roy Stewart was one of those individuals. Roy served as Chairman of Granite State Taxpayers during during the 1990s and 2000s. He worked for passage of key...

Support SB3 for Election Integrity

GST Chair Testifies for SB3

GST Chairman Ray Chadwick Testified in Support of Senate Bill 3 on Tuesday 3/7/17. Chairman Chadwick and board Member Jim Adams appeared in support of Senate Bill 3 before the Senate Election Law and Internal Affairs Committee on Tuesday 3/07/2017. GST, SB3 Sponsor...

Support SB3 for Election Integrity

NH Voter Laws Need to Be Revised

For years, there have been questions regarding possible voter fraud in NH. During the last 3 years, Granite State Taxpayers (GST) has been attempting, without success, to get answers from the Attorney General’s office regarding voters who filed affidavits in lieu of...

Support SB3 for Election Integrity

SB3 Clarifies Voter Domicile

GST has always supported improvements to New Hampshire Voter law that would guarantee that only New Hampshire residents should decide the outcome of New Hampshire elections. If special interests are able to affect elections with people who may or may not be domiciled...

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