Promises Made, Promises Kept

Promises Made, Promises Kept

Promises Made, Promises Kept The Weirs Times published this article by Tom Thomson on October 27, 2020. Tom Thomson is the son of GST co-Founder Mel Thomson. His editorial is presented with his permission....
GST Biennial Meeting 12/10/20

GST Biennial Meeting 12/10/20

Save the Date Thursday 12/10/20 for the GST Biennial Meeting! Agenda: Report on Activities in 2019 – 2020 Announce the results of the 2021 – 2022 Board Member election Announce any Bylaw changes Per GST Bylaws, the GST Board will be elected by GST members...
Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans

Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans

The Presidential Candidates have proposed very different Tax plans. Tax policy and it’s impact on individuals and businesses is an important consideration in this election. President Trump and a Republican Congress passed the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act in 2017. Joe...
New Report Finds Possible Election Fraud

New Report Finds Possible Election Fraud

New Report Finds Tens of Thousands of Cases of Possible Election Fraud. Posted to Politics at InsideSources October 8, 2020. Posted here with permission. One of the constant refrains from those who oppose election reforms designed to protect the security and integrity...
Queen City’s question 1 is not so simple

Queen City’s question 1 is not so simple

Tammy Simmons Comments on the Manchester 11/3/20 Ballot Question 1. Her comments in the October 11, 2020 New Hampshire Union Leader are presented with her permission. Queen City’s question 1 is not so simple Despite what former New Hampshire Democrat Party chair and...