Sununu Vetoes Drive-By Voting

Sununu Vetoes Drive-By Voting

Governor Sununu has Vetoed HB 105 and HB 106 that Eliminate the Reforms of SB 3 and HB 1264. Senate Bill (SB) 3 required registrants to provide documentation showing a presence in state. House Bill (HB) 1264 defined residency to close the loophole allowing residents...
Don’t Cripple the NH Economy

Don’t Cripple the NH Economy

Greg Moore, NH state director of Americans for Prosperity, discusses the current budget process. His comments appeared in the July 12, 2019 New Hampshire Union Leader. Don’t throw cold water on New Hampshire’s hot economy In the South you often hear the phrase, “If it...
Climate Facts Presentation Video

Climate Facts Presentation Video

The GST Climate Facts Meeting Video is now available! Joseph D’Aleo gave an interesting and informative presentation on the Real Facts of Climate Change! Click here to watch Joe’s presentation at the GST Climate Facts Meeting. Click here to read the Real Facts...
Climate Facts Presentation Video

Climate Facts Presentation & Video

The GST Climate Facts Meeting was a Great Success! You’ve heard them: Ice is melting! Seas are rising! We only have twelve years left! Alarmists seek to restructure society, curtail your freedom (and make a buck selling carbon credits). As the great W. Edwards...
Sununu Vetoes Drive-By Voting

Goodbye to Voting for President

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will end your ability to affect the Presidential Election. Democrats in NH advanced HB 541, allocating electoral college electors based on the national popular vote. The National Popular Vote interstate compact would...
Climate Facts Meeting Tickets

Climate Facts Meeting Tickets

Get Your Climate Facts Meeting Tickets! Is this really our future? Joe D’Aleo will tell you why this isn’t the future! Tuesday 6/25/19, 6:00 to 8:30 PM, Murphy’s Carriage House, 393 NH Rte. 101, Bedford. Tickets are $20.00 (with hors d’oeuvres with a cash...