Election Law Update

Election Law Update

Election Integrity Will Be Compromised by Recent Legislation Democrat majorities in Concord have passed several bills that impact election integrity: Bill passed (HB 105) to reverse SB 3 which required presentation of proof of domicile. HB 105 also ends follow up on...
Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers! Lax enforcement of immigration law encourages illegal immigration. Availability of welfare programs to illegal immigrants increases the burden on taxpayers. Cash from immigrants in the US are significant portion of economy of Mexico...
Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

GST Testimony Against State Run FMLI

GST Submitted Testimony Against SB 1 State-Run Mandatory Family and Medical Leave insurance. This bill establishes a system of paid family and medical leave insurance. Click here for status information and a link to read the bill. The House Labor, Industrial and...
GST Testimony for Education Tax Credit

GST Testimony for Education Tax Credit

GST Testified against HB 632, which would eliminate the Education Tax Credit. This bill removes the application of the education tax credit in RSA 77-G to taxes due under the interest and dividends tax, and on July 1, 2020 deletes the education tax credit program....
Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

GST Testimony Against Carbon Tax

GST Testified against HB735, which would implement a carbon tax. The bill establishes the required payment of a carbon pricing fee to be paid by vendors of carbon-based fuels based on their emissions factors. Click here for status information and a link to read the...
Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

Of Course SB1 Takes Your Income

GST Testified Against the SB 1 State-Run Mandatory Family and Medical Leave insurance Plan. Click here for copy of Granite State Taxpayers testimony about SB1. Following are pertinent comments from our written testimony....