The NH Advantage Is Under Attack

The NH Advantage Is Under Attack

Our New Hampshire Advantage is Under Attack! Click here to download a copy of this report to show your friends. The “New Hampshire Advantage” can mean many things to many people, for example: – Low taxes and fees – Frugal, constitutional government...
Election Law Update

Election Law Update

Election Integrity Will Be Compromised by Recent Legislation Democrat majorities in Concord have passed several bills that impact election integrity: Bill passed (HB 105) to reverse SB 3 which required presentation of proof of domicile. HB 105 also ends follow up on...
Election Law Update

GST Testimony on Election Law

GST Testified against Bills to Eliminate the Reforms of Senate Bill 3 and House Bill 1264. Senate Bill (SB) 3 required registrants to provide documentation showing a presence in state. House Bill (HB) 1264 defined residency to close the loophole allowing residents of...
A Non-Political Secretary of State

A Non-Political Secretary of State

Tom Thomson comments on the Secretary of State Election to be held December 5, 2018. His remarks are presented below with his permission. We Need a Non-Political Secretary of State’s Office in NH For the past 42 years NH has had just that; a non-political...
A Non-Political Secretary of State

2020 FITN Primary Could Be Last

Michael Graham commented on the First In The Nation Primary in the NH Journal November 20, 2018. His remarks are presented below with his permission. Three Reasons Why 2020’s FITN Primary Could Be New Hampshire’s Last If you think the influence of the New Hampshire...