Summer Meeting Tickets on Sale

Summer Meeting Tickets on Sale

Tickets are Now on Sale for the GST Summer Meeting on June 5, 2018! You DON’T need to be a GST member to attend. This meeting will be a kickoff of, and a fund raiser for, our effort to educate voters on CACR15. CACR 15 is a constitutional amendment designed to...
Taxpayer Standing On November Ballot

Taxpayer Standing On November Ballot

Taxpayer Standing (CACR 15) Will Be on the Ballot this November! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring suits against the government. The NH House and Senate have voted for a constitutional amendment to restore taxpayer standing. CACR...
Attacks On Election Law Reform

Attacks On Election Law Reform

Sen. Regina Birdsell Comments on Efforts to Attack Election Law Reform. Her comments, in the April 27, 2018 New Hampshire Union Leader, are presented below with her permission. Let’s be candid about Kander Sen. Regina Birdsell Failed candidate for U.S. Senate, Jason...
Nashua Spending Storm

Nashua Spending Storm

Andrew Cernota Issued, on April 16, 2018, a Press Release on the Nashua Tax Cap and Spending. Resolution to Request the City of Nashua Board of Aldermen and Mayor Donchess Adhere to Sustainable City Budget Cost Increases The Nashua Republican City Committee members...
Nashua Spending Storm

Manchester Spending Storm

Tammy Simmons Comments on the Manchester Tax Cap and Spending. Her comments, in the April 13, 2018 New Hampshire Union Leader, are presented with her permission. Manchester should prepare for the spending storm Tammy Simmons In 2016, a majority of aldermen voted to...