Take the GST Candidate Survey

Take the GST Candidate Survey

Granite State Taxpayers has sent surveys to primary candidates for their positions on taxpayer issues. Click here to review the questions in the surveys. Click here for the NH House and Senate candidate survey. Click here for the Governor and Executive Council...
GST Promotes ATR Tax Pledge

GST Promotes ATR Tax Pledge

GST is working with Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) to promote the Taxpayer Protection Pledge. The GST candidate survey now includes a question whether candidates will take the Pledge. The ATR website presents the history and rationals for the Pledge: Politicians often...
Take the GST Candidate Survey

GST 2018 Candidate Survey

Granite State Taxpayers sent surveys to primary candidates for their positions on taxpayer issues. Granite State Taxpayers protects the rights of New Hampshire taxpayers by advocating for: realistic, balanced budgets without tax increases, reducing government spending...
GST Taxpayer Rights Meeting

GST Taxpayer Rights Meeting

The GST Summer Meeting on Taxpayer Rights was a Great Success! Activists came out to hear Chuck Douglas describe the need to get the Standing Amendment passed. The Constitutional Amendment on the ballot would include Taxpayer Standing into our Bill of Rights. The...
GST Files Supreme Court Brief

GST Files Supreme Court Brief

Granite State Taxpayers Files NH Supreme Court Memorandum Supporting HB 1264. Granite State Taxpayers filed a Memorandum supporting a finding that the House Bill 1264 is constitutional. HB 1264 was passed to clarify a definition of residency compliant with previous...