by GST | Jun 23, 2022 | Opinion, Special Alerts
The 2022 GST Candidate Survey is Closed! The survey covered candidates for Governor, Executive Council and the New Hampshire House and Senate. Granite State Taxpayers surveyed primary candidates to determine their positions on taxpayer issues. Granite State Taxpayers...
by GST | Jun 22, 2022 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Pandemic Rules Regarding Absentee Voting Are Still Available. Due to the Covid pandemic, access to absentee voting was greatly expanded for the 2020 election. Revised statute, per HB 1266, made it available to those who feared getting infected by voting in person....
by GST | May 11, 2022 | Special Alerts
64 New Hampshire Towns and Cities Received Zuckerbucks Grants. We’re familiar with Facebook and its actions to stifle speech that is negative to its preferred party. Mark Zuckerburg also spent over $400 million to infiltrate and “manage” voting...
by GST | May 11, 2022 | Opinion, Special Alerts
This May 4, 2022 column by Peter Roff appeared at One wonders what Democrats in charge of the party’s economic program are thinking—if they indeed think at all. Their proposals are frighteningly similar year after year, decade after decade and now...
by GST | Apr 14, 2022 | Legislation, Opinion, Special Alerts
Pandemic Rules Regarding Absentee Voting Are No Longer In Place. It’s been well established that the absentee ballot process is less secure that voting in person. New Hampshire RSA 657:1 limits use of absentee voting to specific circumstances, including...