GST 2015 Annual Report

GST 2015 Annual Report

Report of Actions Taken in 2015 presented at the GST Annual Meeting. Legislative Engagement Reviewed legislation submitted so as to select bills to support. Researched election law issues and background. Developed and summarized proposed changes for improved accuracy...
Protect the Manchester Tax Cap

Protect the Manchester Tax Cap

The Union Leader published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on November 2, 2015. Manchester Voters, Hold Your Elected Officials Accountable On November 8, 2011, the voters of Manchester overwhelmingly, by a thirty percent (30%)...
Inconvenient Truths about Voting in New Hampshire

GST Files Right-to-Know Requests

Granite State Taxpayers (GST) announces that it has filed a Right-to-Know requests on July 23, 2015 to obtain information regarding use of out-of-state driver’s licenses in order to register to vote in New Hampshire. The New Hampshire Secretary of State has confirmed...