Granite State Taxpayers 2013 Report

Granite State Taxpayers 2013 Report

To the Board and all our Members. The very Best Wishes for a Healthy and Productive New Year. Granite State Taxpayers, (GST) accomplished the following in 2013: Membership expansion by 15% over the year. Position papers and public advocacy for improved Voter ID...
Treat Students Like Our Military

Treat Students Like Our Military

By Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams, July 29, 2013. With all of the attention in the media over the last weeks regarding Voter ID, it is a far more complex issue than many realize. Depending on who you ask and how they interpret the law, you get many answers...
$70 Million in IRS Bonuses?

$70 Million in IRS Bonuses?

NH Journal published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on July 12, 2013. With all the uproar relative to the targeting of conservative groups plus waste and abuse regarding off-site meetings and nearly 140 visits to the White House...
GST Opposes HB 119

GST Opposes HB 119

January 20, 2013 Granite State Taxpayers (GST) announces that it opposes HB119 which would dilute the connection between right to vote and obligations, such as paying taxes, of being a resident. The last election featured a ballot question on a Constitutional...