by GST | May 19, 2020 | Legislation, Opinion, Special Alerts
Barack Obama’s Chief of Staff said “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” US House Democrats attempt to use the current crisis to take over voting in all States. The 1,800 page H.R.6800, the HEROES Act, the “Health and Economic...
by GST | May 10, 2020 | Opinion
Some politicians are now proposing “mail-in voting” in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. That means sending ballots addressed to everyone on the registered voter list regardless of whether those individuals are deceased or are no longer in the state, are...
by GST | Apr 22, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
In the New York Times in August 1977, Woody Allen observed that “Showing up is 80 percent of life.” In the case of electing a Legislature that respects Taxpayers, showing up to vote is EVERYTHING! As former President Obama opined: “Elections have...
by Jon DiPietro | Feb 9, 2020 | Opinion
The Iowa caucus may be a disaster for the Democratic party, but it just may be the best thing to happen to election security. The failure of the now-infamous smartphone app is a case study of nearly everything that can go wrong with electronically tabulating election...
by GST | Oct 5, 2019 | Opinion, Special Alerts
GST Chairman Ray Chadwick appeared on Nashua Community TV to discuss NH Election Law. Click below to see the interview, which starts at...