CACR 15 Senate Hearing 3/29/18

CACR 15 Senate Hearing 3/29/18

Senate Committee hearing on CACR 15 is Thursday 3/29/18 at 10:15 AM in the State House Room 103! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring judgments against the government. The NH House voted overwhelmingly for a constitutional amendment...
CACR 15 Senate Hearing 3/29/18

CACR 15 Passed by the NH House!

CACR 15 Passed the New Hampshire House. Next up is the Senate! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring judgments against the government. The NH House voted overwhelmingly for a constitutional amendment to restore taxpayer standing. CACR...
CACR 15 Senate Hearing 3/29/18

Vote for Taxpayers; Pass CACR 15

Tell your Legislators to Vote for CACR 15 to Reinstate Taxpayer Standing! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring judgments against the government. CACR 15 is scheduled to come before the New Hampshire House next week, March 6th to...
CACR 15 Senate Hearing 3/29/18

Taxpayers Deserve Legal Standing!

Taxpayers Should Be Able to Sue the Government! Support CACR 15 to Reinstate Taxpayer Standing! CACR 15 proposes a Constitutional amendment enabling taxpayers to bring judgments against the government. Granite State Taxpayers supported such an amendment (then numbered...