Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers Event is Rescheduled to 10/9/24

by | Sep 15, 2024 | Opinion, Press Releases, Special Alerts

Grover Norquist visit to recognize Taxpayer Protection Pledge Takers will now be on October 9, 2024.

Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, will visit New Hampshire to recognize candidates who take the Taxpayer Protection Pledge.

Granite State Taxpayers and the Pine Tree Public Policy Institute will be co-hosting the Taxpayer Protection Pledge event to recognize candidates for state office who have taken the Pledge. The event will take place at 10:00 AM on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at the New Hampshire Institute of Politics, where Grover Norquist will personally commend candidates for making a written commitment to their constituents not to raise taxes.

“A candidate who signs the Taxpayer Protection Pledge has committed to oppose higher taxes,” said Norquist. “That means that he or she will work to reform government to cost less, rather than raising taxes to “patch” failed programs.”

Attendees are asked to RSVP at:

“An Anti-Tax Pledge was first advanced in 1972 by our Founder Governor Meldrim Thomson, Jr.,” said Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Ray Chadwick. “His wisdom about the benefits of low taxes and low spending is even more pertinent today.”

Thomson’s Pledge, a part of his “Ax the Tax” theme, is organized and promoted today by Americans for Tax Reform.

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With the endorsement of President Reagan in 1986, the pledge has become practically required for Republicans seeking office, and is a necessity for Democrats running in Republican districts.

The Americans for Tax Reform website ( has a section, “The Pledge” that identifies legislators and governors who have taken the Pledge, information about its meaning and benefits, and information for those who want to Take the Pledge.

The Taxpayer Protection Pledge simply states “I pledge to the taxpayers of New Hampshire that I will oppose and vote against/veto any and all efforts to increase taxes.”

Continuing a practice that it pioneered with the Taxpayer Pledge Recognition event in 2018, Granite State Taxpayers this year, as it did in 2018, surveyed all candidates for State office to determine their positions on issues impacting Taxpayers. Of those candidates, 146 committed to taking the Pledge. The meeting organizers will reach out to invite as many more candidates as possible to take the Pledge.

“We intend to provide an opportunity for every New Hampshire candidate to take the Pledge and consider it as their guide as they deal with legislation,” said Pine Tree Public Policy Institute President Stephen Stepanek.

Pledge forms will be available at the October 9th event for Candidates to sign, and to have their signature witnessed by Grover Norquist. Those who have already taken the Pledge can bring their certificates to have them signed. Additionally, Grover will pose with candidates for pictures to use in their campaign literature.

“We look forward to having Grover Norquist in New Hampshire to promote the Pledge and recognize the signers for their commitment to the Taxpayers of New Hampshire,” said Pine Tree Public Policy Institute Chairman Bill O’Brien.

Posted by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Ray Chadwick


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