Granite State Taxpayers Blog
We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.
You can check out our most recent posts below or explore some of our more popular topics:
Crossing Lines and Harming NH
Senators Jeb Bradley and Chuck Morse discuss current legislation and the budget process. Their comments appeared in the June 13, 2019 New Hampshire Union Leader. Crossing bright lines that harm New Hampshire Sen. Jeb Bradley & Sen. Chuck Morse IN 2011 when we...
Manchester School Budget Busts Tax Cap
Manchester School Budget Busts Tax Cap Busted Manchester Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted to approve a $353 million fiscal year 2020 budget. The budget provides $176 million for schools and $156.6 million for city services, and overrides the city tax cap. This marks...
GST Secretary Comments on Budget
Granite State Taxpayers Secretary Dan McGuire summarizes the New Hampshire Budget proposal: While the Senate version of the budget is somewhat better than the House's (no capital gains tax), it has many of the same flaws: - Spends all but $5M of the $166M left over...
Climate Forecasting Explained
Climate Facts (What Alarmists Don't Want You to Know) Dilbert learns one can make a forecast whatever they want by manipulating the assumed variables. Joe D'Aleo will tell us the proper variables for forecasting the climate. Tuesday 6/25/19, 6:00 to 8:30 PM, Murphy’s...
Governor Vetoes Net Metering HB 365
Governor Sununu Vetoed the Bill (HB 365) to Expand the Size of Facilities Subject to Net Metering InsideSpources Michael Graham presented an excellent summary on Net Metering and HB 365 on June 3, 2019. Here's a summary of that report. With Net Metering, electricity...
D-Day Salute
On the Anniversary of D-Day, We Remember and Salute Active Duty Military and Veterans. Our nation owes a great deal of thanks to who have kept us free. They have been willing to give up all of their tomorrows so that we can enjoy today. They should be thanked and...
Skeptic’s Commuter Rail Guide
Facts about Commuter Rail from Andrew Cline of the Josiah Bartlett Center. A Skeptic’s Guide to Commuter Rail Boosterism. To promote taxpayer funding of a quarter-billion dollar commuter rail project, supporters last week touted a single poll question, without...
GST Climate Facts Meeting 6/25/19
Real Facts About the Climate (What Alarmists Don't Want You to Know) Ice is melting! Seas are rising! We only have twelve years left! Alarmists seek to restructure society, curtain your freedom (and make a buck selling carbon credits). In Concord there is a variety of...
State-Run FMLI Vetoed
Governor Sununu Vetoes State-Run Family Medical Leave Insurance! GST has opposed and testified against a state run mandated Family Medical Leave Insurance program. The Governor hasn't yet issued a press statement, and really doesn't need to. This image says it all:...
Election Law Pretense
Senator Shaheen and Dem Presidential Candidates Criticize NH Voting being only for NH Residents. GST supported HB 1264 to end voting in NH by residents (6,540 in 2016) of other states. Democrats really do want residents (particularly students) of other states to vote...