Granite State Taxpayers Blog

We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.

You can check out our most recent posts below or explore some of our more popular topics:

Questions about Family Leave

Questions about Family Leave

NH Senate President Chuck Morse Comments on the proposed Family Medical Leave Program, HB 628. His comments in the April 26, 2018 New Hampshire Union Leader, are presented below. Too many questions remain about family leave Chuck Morse On Thursday, the Senate will...

Election Law Update 4/25/18

Election Law Update 4/25/18

The Legislature is weighing HB 372 and HB 1264. Both focus on closing current loop holes in the law. Click here for a WMUR article on the status of these bills. Click here for an earlier GST post on the status of these bills. We need Definition of "Domicile" and...

Nashua Spending Storm

Nashua Spending Storm

Andrew Cernota Issued, on April 16, 2018, a Press Release on the Nashua Tax Cap and Spending. Resolution to Request the City of Nashua Board of Aldermen and Mayor Donchess Adhere to Sustainable City Budget Cost Increases The Nashua Republican City Committee members...

Nashua Spending Storm

Manchester Spending Storm

Tammy Simmons Comments on the Manchester Tax Cap and Spending. Her comments, in the April 13, 2018 New Hampshire Union Leader, are presented with her permission. Manchester should prepare for the spending storm Tammy Simmons In 2016, a majority of aldermen voted to...

Questions about Family Leave

HB628: Vote for More Study

Senate Finance Committee Recommends HB 628 be Held for Further Study. HB628 establishes mandatory paid family and medical leave insurance (FMLI) controlled by the State. The costs to operate the program are unknown. Insurance plans currently exist that provide...

Election Law Update 4/25/18

Domicile or Residence for Voting?

Election Law Requires a Definition of "Domicile" and "Resident" and "Inhabitant"! The NH Constitution uses these terms to recognize or establish specific rights and responsibilities. New Hampshire Statutes RSA 21:6 and RSA 21:6 (summarized below) define these terms:...

GST Summer Meeting 6/5/18

GST Summer Meeting 6/5/18

Save the Date Tuesday, June 5, 2018 for the GST Summer Party & Meeting! From 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM at Murphy’s Tap Room and Carriage House, 393 NH Rte. 101, Bedford, NH. There will be free hors d’oeuvres with a cash bar. Speaker and further details will be announced....

Kelo v. City of New London

Kelo v. City of New London

"Nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation." In Kelo v. City of New London, the US Supreme Court held that community economic growth qualified private redevelopment plans as a permissible "public use" under the Takings Clause of the...

Election Law Update 4/25/18

Superior Court to Hear Appeal of SB3

Hillsborough County Superior Court will hear the Democrat Party lawsuit against SB3! Advocating for election integrity has been a specific objective of Granite State Taxpayers for five years. SB3 required that people registering to vote here actually show proof that...

Questions about Family Leave

HB 628 Senate Hearing 4/5/18

Senate Committee hearing on HB 628 is Thursday 4/5/18 at 2:30 PM in the State House Room 103! HB628 establishes mandatory paid family and medical leave insurance (FMLI) controlled by the State. California, New Jersey, Rhode Island and New York are the only states with...

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