Granite State Taxpayers Blog
We write articles about legislation and policy affecting NH taxpayers.
You can check out our most recent posts below or explore some of our more popular topics:
Citizens Should Decide Elections
NH Journal published this commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on July 22, 2013. Recently the State Senate took the teeth out of a well-thought out approach to make certain New Hampshire voters decided the outcome of New Hampshire elections. They...
$70 Million in IRS Bonuses?
NH Journal published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on July 12, 2013. With all the uproar relative to the targeting of conservative groups plus waste and abuse regarding off-site meetings and nearly 140 visits to the White House...
GST Chair: The State Senate Firewall Goes Missing
NH Journal published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on July 2, 2013. At a State Party meeting, Senate President Peter Bragdon stated that the State Senate controlled by Republicans would be the Firewall on new taxes and fees as...
GST Chair: To the 1% This Nation Owes So Much
NH Journal published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams on May 30, 2013 In the 1968-69 timeframe, the government decided to do away with the draft and create an all-volunteer armed service. This idea of a completely volunteer armed...
GST Applauds the NH Budget Status
Granite State Taxpayers (GST) commends the New Hampshire Legislature for working toward a budget that doesn’t raise taxes or fees, realistically projects revenues, maintains services and holds spending increases to a reasonable level. The Governor’s budget proposal...
WSJ: The Red-State Path to Prosperity
Wall Street Journal presents commentary on the competitiveness and strategies of individual States. The March 28, 2013 article is authored by Arthur B. Laffer and Stephen Moore. The authors review and comment on Census Bureau data showing that the South and Sunbelt...
GST Chairman Discusses Sequestration
NH Journal published the following commentary by Granite State Taxpayers Chairman Jim Adams. March 4, 2013 By Jim Adams During my 9 years in Washington, from 1988 to 1997, I witnessed firsthand the problems of Washington, D.C. Each time Congress would reduce the...
GST Opposes HB 119
January 20, 2013 Granite State Taxpayers (GST) announces that it opposes HB119 which would dilute the connection between right to vote and obligations, such as paying taxes, of being a resident. The last election featured a ballot question on a Constitutional...
GST Opposes Gas Tax Hike
Granite State Taxpayers (GST) joined with former Speaker William O'Brien and Americans for Prosperity on March 5, 2013 to hold a press conference in Concord to oppose HB617, which would raise the state gasoline tax by a total of $.18 per gallon. GST Vice-Chairman Ray...
Budgeting 101 by Granite State Taxpayers
Budgeting 101 by Granite State Taxpayers Although many of us will be focusing on more pleasant matters on February 13, 2013 , it’s also the day when our new Governor delivers her state budget to a joint session of the legislature. From that framework the House has six...