Extend Worker Freedom to All

Extend Worker Freedom to All

Extend worker freedom to all of New Hampshire! By ROSS CONNOLLY and LAURA SPOTTISWOOD AFTER THE landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision on worker freedom, Janus v. AFSCME, New Hampshire now has the opportunity to become the first state in the Northeast to pass...
HB 1264 Signed Into Law

HB 1264 Signed Into Law

Governor Sununu Signed House Bill 1264 into Law on July 13, 2018. HB 1264 defined residency in a manner compliant with previous court decisions, closing the loophole that allowed residents of other states (6,540 of them in 2016) to vote here. The Governor Issued a...
GST Taxpayer Rights Meeting

GST Taxpayer Rights Meeting

The GST Summer Meeting on Taxpayer Rights was a Great Success! Activists came out to hear Chuck Douglas describe the need to get the Standing Amendment passed. The Constitutional Amendment on the ballot would include Taxpayer Standing into our Bill of Rights. The...
HB 1264 Signed Into Law

GST Files Supreme Court Brief

Granite State Taxpayers Files NH Supreme Court Memorandum Supporting HB 1264. Granite State Taxpayers filed a Memorandum supporting a finding that the House Bill 1264 is constitutional. HB 1264 was passed to clarify a definition of residency compliant with previous...
Summer Meeting Tickets on Sale

Summer Meeting Tickets on Sale

Tickets are Now on Sale for the GST Summer Meeting on June 5, 2018! You DON’T need to be a GST member to attend. This meeting will be a kickoff of, and a fund raiser for, our effort to educate voters on CACR15. CACR 15 is a constitutional amendment designed to...