by GST | May 10, 2020 | Opinion
Some politicians are now proposing “mail-in voting” in response to the Covid-19 outbreak. That means sending ballots addressed to everyone on the registered voter list regardless of whether those individuals are deceased or are no longer in the state, are...
by GST | May 6, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Democrats will do anything to enable people from other states to vote in New Hampshire. They proposed that we reimburse students for out-of-state financial aid lost by registering to vote in NH. They have sued to overturn HB 1264 and SB 3, laws requiring voters to be...
by GST | Apr 28, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Getting NH Back to Business The responses to Covid-19 have impacted both business activity and consumer spending. That will negatively impact tax revenues and State and Local government expenditures. We already know the direct consequences of specific government...
by GST | Apr 22, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
In the New York Times in August 1977, Woody Allen observed that “Showing up is 80 percent of life.” In the case of electing a Legislature that respects Taxpayers, showing up to vote is EVERYTHING! As former President Obama opined: “Elections have...
by GST | Apr 21, 2020 | Opinion
NH Superior Court Judge David Anderson has Ruled that SB3 is Unconstitutional. SB3 required that people registering to vote here actually show proof that they are from New Hampshire. Granite State Taxpayers Supported SB3 Early and Often. – Superior Court to hear...
by GST | Apr 20, 2020 | Opinion, Special Alerts
Conservatives continually advocate for fewer government regulations. Here’s why. Government regulations reward special interest groups, raise costs to consumers, and inhibit innovation. In the April 20, 2020 Union Leader, Drew Cline describes how government...