Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers

Secure Borders Protect Taxpayers! Lax enforcement of immigration law encourages illegal immigration. Availability of welfare programs to illegal immigrants increases the burden on taxpayers. Cash from immigrants in the US are significant portion of economy of Mexico...
Education Key to Continued Liberty

Education Key to Continued Liberty

Chuck Douglas Comments on the Importance of Education in Preserving our Liberties. His remarks in the December 13, 2018 New Hampshire Union Leader are presented below with his permission. NEW HAMPSHIRE VOICES Education is key to continued liberty MORE THAN JOSIAH...
Biennial Meeting a Success

Biennial Meeting a Success

Frank Edelblut was the Keynote Speaker at the November 29, 2018 GST Biennial Meeting! Frank is the Commissioner of the New Hampshire Department of Education. He discussed his work to improve the quality of education for New Hampshire students. Frank described his...
Grover Norquist Interview 10/24/18

Grover Norquist Interview 10/24/18

Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, Gave an Interview on Tax Policy. Grover Norquist was in New Hampshire for the GST Taxpayer Pledge Reception on October 24, 2018. At the reception he and Tommy Thomson congratulated and thanked New Hampshire...
Sales Tax Invasion Has Begun!

Sales Tax Invasion Has Begun!

Andrew Cline from the Josiah Bartlett Center comments on the Wayfair Supreme Court Decision. His comments in a November 30, 2018 Josiah Bartlett Center blog post, are presented with permission. THE SALES TAX INVASION HAS BEGUN, NH. In zombie movies, unsuspecting...
Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Secretary of State Bill Gardner

Bill Gardner Has Been Re-Elected as Secretary of State. On December 5, 2018, Gardner narrowly won re-election to his 22nd term as Secretary of State. The combined New Hampshire House and Senate membership voted to re-elect him on their second ballot. On the first...