GST Opposes Toll Increases

Granite State Taxpayers Opposes Highway Toll Increases! On Wednesday, December 6, the Executive Council will consider a Grinch-style Christmas present for New Hampshire: a 27% highway toll increase that will cost us $36 million each and every year! Click here to see...

Electricity Costs in New Hampshire

Greg Moore of AFP-NH commented on New Hampshire’s high electricity costs in the New Hampshire Union Leader on November 16, 2017. His comments are presented below with his permission. Why turning on the lights costs more in New Hampshire. When we switch on the...
The Politics of Tax Reform

The Politics of Tax Reform

Here’s a summary of tax laws and the political debate on tax cuts in terms everyone can understand. Suppose that every day, ten men go out for beer and the bill for all ten comes to $100. If they paid their bill the way we pay our taxes, it would go something...
Trump Tax Plan Benefits New Hampshire

Trump Tax Plan Benefits New Hampshire

As it is now New Hampshire helps pay for a good chunk of California’s follies because California Tax Payers are able to write off a huge chunk of State Taxes from their Federal Income Taxes. The LA Times says the California’s tax break is $101 BILLION!!! Click here to...
The Politics of Tax Reform

Pay Comparisons: Public, Private, Non-Profit

GST Member Chuck Douglas reported on pay in the public, private and non-profit sectors in the New Hampshire Union Leader on July 18, 2017. His comments are presented below with his permission. Towns and non-profits outpace state and federal pay I recently looked at...