Goodbye to Voting for President

Goodbye to Voting for President

The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will end your ability to affect the Presidential Election. Democrats in NH advanced HB 541, allocating electoral college electors based on the national popular vote. The National Popular Vote interstate compact would...
Goodbye to Voting for President

GST Testimony Against Drive-By Voting

GST Submitted Testimony Against SB 67 which would repeal HB 1264 and bring back Drive-By Voting. Click here for status information and a link to read the bill, which adds the following statement to current law: “A person who satisfies the definition of resident...
Governor Sununu to Speak at Rally

Governor Sununu to Speak at Rally

Governor Sununu announced he will attend the Preserve the New Hampshire Advantage Rally. RSVP to hear him at the Rally Saturday 3/30/19 at 10:00 AM in Concord! New Hampshire has prospered under Governor Sununu and the 2015-2018 Republican Legislature. A growing...
Governor Sununu to Speak at Rally

Rally to Preserve The NH Advantage

We’re holding a “Preserve the New Hampshire Advantage” Rally in Concord on Saturday 3/30/19. The (no cost) Rally will start at 10:00 AM on the lawn in front of the Capital building. Speakers at the Rally will describe exactly what is going on in the...
Governor Sununu to Speak at Rally

The NH Advantage Is Under Attack

Our New Hampshire Advantage is Under Attack! Click here to download a copy of this report to show your friends. The “New Hampshire Advantageā€ can mean many things to many people, for example: – Low taxes and fees – Frugal, constitutional government...